Movie Plot: Only the hero Prince Of Space can save Japan from an evil alien attack. On the SOL: The SOL is sucked into a wormhole causing all sorts of…
Movie Plot: A 1960s secret agent is charged to protect a scientist who has created a really dumb biological weapon. On the SOL: Servo and Crow are into some Extreme…
Movie Plot: After being exposed to atomic radiation, a giant Praying Mantis attacks the North Pole. On the SOL: Mike and Crow upset Servo by not participating in casual day…
Movie Plot: An expedition to the center of the Earth encounters an underground civilization. On the SOL: Crow tries to make Gypsy, Mike, and Servo his slaves / Crow does…
Movie Plot: A mutant fish-man escapes from captivity at a Florida aquarium. Intro: Mike, Servo, and Gypsy return to the SOL to find Crow has been there alone for a…
Movie Plot: The Delta Knights search for the lost cave of Archimedes. Intro: Gypsy is repairing Crow, leaving Servo and Mike with a loaner. Servo and Mike are happy, because…