Movie Plot: The souls of 4 teenagers are being hunted by a soultaker. Intro: The ‘bots have a wet t-shirt contest. They don’t seem to grasp the point, and leave…
Movie Plot: In the future, on the moon, an astronaut is hired by a millionaire to capture an asteroid made of sapphire. Intro: Joel explains the show’s premise. Segment One:…
Movie Plot: In the 1970’s space race, a mission to the moon is not sabotaged by a spy and results in a couple getting married on the moon. Also riffed…
Daniel is sentenced to audio/visual class as punishment for attempting to pull the fire alarm to get out of taking a test. Lindsay is accepted to a two-week academic summit….
A car accident results in Lindsay deciding to stop hanging out with her “freak” friends. She decides to rejoin the mathletes and start hanging out with Millie again. Sam adopts…