Movie Plot: A man’s mind gets sucked into a massive computer system. Intro: Crow creates a catch phrase for himself. Segment One: Pearl asks the ‘bots to make a catch…
Movie Plot: A ventriloquist uses voodoo to seduce women. On the SOL: Servo throws a keg party where Crow gets drunk on Nanite beer and goes bonkers / Crow buys…
Movie Plot: A 1960s secret agent is charged to protect a scientist who has created a really dumb biological weapon. On the SOL: Servo and Crow are into some Extreme…
Movie Plot: A fortune teller kidnaps some salesmen and turns them into her zombie slaves. On the SOL: Crow and Servo hit up Mike for walk-a-thon pledges / Crow and…
Episode Title: The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies
Movie Plot: A fish monster runs around the everglades. Intro: Mike has an identity crisis. Segment One: Pearl convinces a couple that the castle is a cruise ship, to make…
Movie Plot: A man discovers that he is an Aztec god-like creature that has the power of a Puma. Intro: Servo comes down with “Short Man’s Disease.” Segment One: Pearl…
Movie Plot: A really bad movie about some Air Force pilots, where the plot is nonexistent. On the SOL: Crow surfs the internet / the crew tries to sell their…
Movie Plot: Chicago is attacked by giant grasshoppers. Intro: The SOL gets a call from an upset lady looking for her husband. Segment One: In Deep 13, Dr. Forrester has…
Movie Plot: Giant leeches attack a bunch of hicks in the Everglades. Also riffed was the short “The Undersea Kingdom.” On the SOL: Joel finally gets rid of the Holo-clowns…
Movie Plot: Giant leeches attack a bunch of hicks in the Everglades. Also riffed was the short “The Undersea Kingdom.” On the SOL: Joel finally gets rid of the Holo-clowns…