Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 10 Episode 9
Movie Plot: An old German public TV version of the classic Shakespeare play.
Intro: Servo changes his name to Servaux. Segment One: Mike plays 3 card monty with Pearl for the choice of the movie. He wins, and chooses “Hamlet” but Pearl gets the last laugh by digging up this version. Segment Two: Crow and Tom try to scare Mike by pretending to be the ghosts of some of his relatives. Segment Three: The ‘bots do a conceptual musical version of Hamlet. Segment Four: Mike hosts the game show “Alas poor WHO?” Segment Five: Servo and Crow make a Hamlet action figure, complete with pull-string soliloquy. Fortenbras visits Castle Forrester to complain about not being in this version of the story. Pearl kills him.
Stinger: King Claudius does a double-take.
Serie: Mystery Science Theater 3000